The Tunisian Star

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Les chûtes Montmerancy

Si vous avez l’opportunité de passer par Québec, surtout ne pas oublier de visiter les chutes Montmorency, elles sont plus hautes que celle de Niagara et tout aussi impressionnante.

Au revoir Quebec, bonjour Tunis

Avant de venir en Tunisie, j'ai pris quelques photos de monument le plus célébre de Québec. Le chateau Frontenac. Il se trouve en plein dans le vieux Québec sur la pleine d'Abraham. Là où les francais ont perdus une bataille décesive en 1759. Conséquence, les anglais ontariens ont pris le côntrole de la ville.

Tout de même je suis très content d'être en Tunsie.

Et soyez sûr bledek tok3od dima bledek

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Explain Islam

Since my arrival in Canada, I amazed by the number of was new convert with Islam .It should be said that for a long time people put question about this religion which gathers many people and who remains badly known, the events of September 11 amplify this phenomenon.

The misinformation caused by the media pauses of major problems for people, I think that one of our objectives is to explain Islam clearly, his objectives. In particular with key questions as the place of the woman, treatment of the cases of adultery or flight.

I put a bond (available in several languages) which carries out on an Islamic guide that I took of another blog, "This Islamic guide was conceived for the not-Moslems (and the Moslems also) in order to help them with better including/understanding Islam, the Moslems and Coran. It contains many information, references and illustrations, as well as a rich person bibliography. It was revised and corrected by several professors and highly educated people. It is concise and easy to read, while containing many scientific information. It contains book A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (Small guide illustrated to include/understand Islam), and more still "

Brief illustrated guide about Islam